University Physics teaches students the fundamentals of physics through interesting, timely examples, a logical and consistent approach to problem solving, and an outstanding suite of online tools and exercises. University Physics weaves exciting, contemporary physics throughout the text with coverage of the most recent research by the authors and others in areas such as energy, medicine, and the environment. These contemporary topics are explained in a way that your students will find real, interesting, and motivating.
0 The Big Picture: Modern Physics Frontiers
1 Overview
2 Motion in a Straight Line
3 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
4 Force
5 Kinetic Energy, Work, and Power
6 Potential Energy and Energy Conservation
7 Momentum and Collisions
8 Systems of Particles and Extended Objects
9 Circular Motion
10 Rotation
11 Static Equilibrium
12 Gravitation
13 Solids and Fluids
14 Oscillations
15 Waves
16 Sound
17 Temperature
18 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics
19 Ideal Gases
20 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
21 Electrostatics
22 Electric Fields and Gauss’s Law
23 Electric Potential
24 Capacitors
25 Current and Resistance
26 Direct Current Circuits
27 Magnetism
28 Magnetic Fields of Moving Charges
29 Electromagnetic Induction
30 Electromagnetic Oscillations and Currents
31 Electromagnetic Waves
32 Geometric Optics
33 Lenses and Optical Instruments
34 Wave Optics
35 Relativity