The Fifth Edition of this academically rigorous text provides a comprehensive treatment of analog integrated circuit analysis and design starting from the basics and through current industrial practices. The authors combine bipolar, CMOS and BiCMOS analog integrated-circuit design into a unified treatment that stresses their commonalities and highlights their differences. The comprehensive coverage of the material will provide the student with valuable insights into the relative strengths and weaknesses of these important technologies.
1. Models for Integrated-Circuit Active Devices
2. Bipolar, MOS, and BiCMOS Integrated-Circuit Technology
3. Single-Transistor and Multiple-Transistor Amplifiers
4. Current Mirrors, Active Loads, and References
5. Output Stages
6. Operational Amplifiers with Single-Ended Outputs
7. Frequency Response of Integrated Circuits
8. Feedback
9. Frequency Response and Stability of Feedback Amplifiers
10. Nonlinear Analog Circuits
11. Noise in Integrated Circuits
12. Fully Differential Operational Amplifiers