Ziemer and Tranter provide a thorough treatment of the principles of communications at the physical layer suitable for college seniors, beginning graduate students, and practicing engineers. This is accomplished by providing overviews of the necessary background in signal, system, probability, and random process theory required for the analog and digital communications topics covered in the book. In addition to stressing fundamental concepts, the seventh edition features sections on important areas such as spread spectrum, cellular communications, and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. While the book is aimed at a two-semester course, more than enough material is provided for structuring courses according to students need and instructor preference.
Chapter 1. Overview and Historical Perspectives.
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Signal And System Analysis.
Chapter 3. Modulation Techniques With Emphasis on Analog Systems.
Chapter 4. Baseband Communication Systems in the Absence of Noise.
Chapter 5. A Brief Review of Probability Theory.
Chapter 6. Stochastic Processes.
Chapter 7. Noise Effects in Simple Modulation Systems.
Chapter 8. Fundamentals of Basic Binary Digital Communication Systems.
Chapter 9. Advanced Digital Communications.
Chapter 10. The Applications of Detection and Estimation Theory to Communications.
Chapter 11. Source Coding and Error Correction Techniques.
Appendix A. Noise Modeling with Applications to Communications.
Appendix B. Multivariate Gaussian Variables.
Appendix C. The Narrowband Noise Model.
Appendix D. FM Thresholding and Related Analysis.
Appendix E. The Chi-Square Random Variable.
Appendix F. Useful Tables and Identities.
Appendix G. Mathematical And Numerical Tables.