Heat Transfer presents the fundamentals of the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of heat between physical systems. A pioneer in establishing heat transfer as a pillar of the modern thermal sciences, Professor Adrian Bejan presents the fundamental concepts and problem-solving methods of the discipline, predicts the evolution of heat transfer configurations, the principles of thermodynamics, and more.
Building upon his classic 1993 book Heat Transfer, the author maintains his straightforward scientific approach to teaching essential developments such as Fourier conduction, fins, boundary layer theory, duct flow, scale analysis, and the structure of turbulence. In this new volume, Bejan explores topics and research developments that have emerged during the past decade, including the designing of convective flow and heat and mass transfer, the crucial relationship between configuration and performance, and new populations of configurations such as tapered ducts, plates with multi-scale features, and dendritic fins.
1 Introduction
2 Unidirectional Steady Conduction
3 Multidirectional Steady Conduction
4 Time-Dependent Conduction
5 External Forced Convection
6 Internal Forced Convection
7 Natural Convection
8 Convection with Change of Phase
9 Heat Exchangers
10 Radiation
Appendix A Constants and Conversion Factors
Appendix B Properties of Solids
Appendix C Properties of Liquids
Appendix D Properties of Gases
Appendix E Mathematical Formulas
Appendix F Turbulence Transition
Appendix G Extremum Subject to Constraint