Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills 8/e [DuBrin] 9781285866369

🔸書名:Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills 8/e
商品編號: MB0629PC



DuBrin’s LEADERSHIP offers more application opportunities (cases, experiential exercises and examples) than any other text in the market.

  • Updated Leader in Action boxes describe the leadership practices, behaviors, and personal attributes of real-world leaders students are likely to know and relate to, and each box concludes with questions relating the leader to key concepts from the current chapter.
  • Integrated throughout the text, new and updated Leadership Self-Assessment and Leadership Skill-Building Exercises help students understand and develop key leadership skills.
  • Interesting and highly relevant real-life and hypothetical examples throughout the text illustrate key concepts and theories to help students better understand the material and appreciate its practical applications.
  • End-of-chapter Guidelines for Action and Skill Development give additional suggestions for improving leadership skill and practice discussion questions and activities suited for individual or group analysis.
  • Two Leadership Case Problems in each chapter illustrate major themes covered in the text by presenting interesting, relevant real-life examples and providing associated activities to help you develop your own leadership knowledge and skills.
  • Role plays accompany all the case problems to help reinforce the opportunity for learning interpersonal skills within the case problems.
  • Leadership Portfolio skill-building exercises in each chapter instruct students to record progress in developing leadership skills and behaviors, which provides practical, step-by-step guidance to become a more effective leader.



1. The Nature and Importance of Leadership.
2. Traits, Motives, and Characteristics of Leaders.
3. Charismatic and Transformational Leadership.
4. Leadership Behaviors, Attitudes, and Styles.
5. Contingency and Situational Leadership.
6. Leadership Ethics and Social Responsibility.
7. Power, Politics, and Leadership.
8. Influence Tactics of Leaders.
9. Developing Teamwork.
10. Motivation and Coaching Skills.
11. Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership.
12. Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills.
13. Strategic Leadership and Knowledge Management.
14. International and Culturally Diverse Aspects of Leadership.
15. Leadership, Development, and Succession.
