Biocalculus: Calculus for Life Sciences [Stewart/Day] 9781133109631

🔸書名:Biocalculus: Calculus for Life Sciences
🔸作者:Stewart, Day
商品編號: MA0392HC


  • Real-World Data: In order to enhance interest and conceptual understanding, it's important for students to see and work with real-world data in both numerical and graphical form. Accordingly, the text uses data concerning biological phenomena to introduce, motivate, and illustrate the concepts of calculus.
  • Graded Exercise Sets: Each exercise set is carefully graded, progressing from basic conceptual exercises and skill-development problems to more challenging problems involving applications and proofs.
  • Conceptual Exercises: One of the goals of calculus instruction is conceptual understanding and the most important way to foster conceptual understanding is through the problems that you assign. To that end the authors have devised various types of problems. Some exercise sets begin with requests to explain the meanings of the basic concepts of the section. Similarly, all the review sections begin with a Concept Check and a True-False Quiz. Other exercises test conceptual understanding through graphs or tables. Another type of exercise uses verbal description to test conceptual understanding.
  • Projects: One way of involving students and making them active learners is to have them work (perhaps in groups) on extended projects that give a feeling of substantial accomplishment when completed. This text provides 24 projects. Drug Resistance in Malaria, for example, asks students to construct a recursion for the frequency of the gene that causes resistance to an antimalarial drug. The project Flapping and Gliding asks how birds can minimize power and energy by flapping their wings versus gliding. In The Tragedy of the Commons: An Introduction to Game Theory, two companies are exploiting the same fish population and students determine optimal fishing fforts. The project Disease Progression and Immunity is a nice application of areas between curves. Students use a model for the measles pathogenesis curve to determine which patients will be symptomatic and infectious (or noninfectious), or asymptomatic and noninfectious.



1. Functions and Sequences.
2. Limits.
3. Derivatives.
4. Applications of Derivatives.
5. Integrals.
6. Applications of Integrals.
7. Differential Equations.
8. Vectors and Matrix Models.
9. Multivariable Calculus.
10. Systems of Linear Differential Equations.
A. Intervals, Inequalities, and Absolute Values.
B. Coordinate Geometry.
C. Trigonometry.
D. Precise Definitions of Limits.
E. A Few Proofs.
F. Sigma Notation.
G. Complex Numbers.
H. Statistical Tables.
