Balanis’ third edition of Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics - a global best-seller for over 30 years - covers the advanced knowledge engineers involved in electromagnetics need to know, particularly as the topic relates to the fast-moving, continuously evolving, and rapidly expanding field of wireless communications. The immense interest in wireless communications and the expected increase in wireless communications systems projects (antennas, microwaves and wireless communications) points to an increase in the number of engineers needed to specialize in this field.
Highlights of the 3rd Edition include:
1 Time-Varying and Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields
2 Electrical Properties of Matter
3 Wave Equation and Its Solutions
4 Wave Propagation and Polarization
5 Reflection and Transmission
6 Auxiliary Vector Potentials, Construction of Solutions, and Radiation and Scattering Equations
7 Electromagnetic Theorems and Principles
8 Rectangular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities
9 Circular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities
10 Spherical Transmission Lines and Cavities
11 Scattering
12 Integral Equations and the Moment Method
13 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
14 Diffraction by a Wedge with Impedance Surfaces
15 Green’s Functions
16 Artificial Impedance Surfaces
Appendix I Identities
Appendix II Vector Analysis
Appendix III Fresnel Integrals
Appendix IV Bessel Functions
Appendix V Legendre Polynomials and Functions
Appendix VI the Method of Steepest Descent (saddle-point Method)