Provide your students with an exceptional balance of theory and application as Roth/Kinney/John's FUNDAMENTALS OF LOGIC DESIGN, ENHANCED, 7th Edition presents today's latest advances. Your students gain a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts of logic design without becoming overwhelmed by the mathematics of switching theory. The authors have created 20 easy-to-grasp study units that clearly introduce fundamental concepts, such as Boolean algebra, logic gate design, flip-flops and state machines. By combining coverage of flip-flops with networks of logic gates, students are prepared to design counters, adders, sequence detectors and simple digital systems. After mastering the basics, students progress to modern design techniques using programmable logic devices as well as VHDL hardware description language. WebAssign digital teaching tool is available as a customizable resource to strengthen your students' understanding of today's concepts behind logic design.
1. Introduction number systems and conversions.
2. Boolean algebra.
3. Boolean algebra (continued).
4. Applications of Boolean algebra minterm and maxterm expansions.
5. Karnaugh maps.
6. Quine-McCluskey method.
7. Multi-Level Gate Circuits NAND and NOR Gates.
8. Combinational circuit design and simulation using gates.
9. Multiplexers, decoders, and programmable logic devices.
10. Introduction to VHDL.
11. Latches and flip-flops.
12. Registers and counters.
13. Analysis of clocked sequential circuits.
14. Derivation of state graphs and tables.
15. Reduction of state tables state assignment.
16. Sequentional circuit design.
17. VHDL for sequential logic.
18. Circuits for arithmetic operation.
19. State machine design with SM charts.
20. VHDL for digital system design.