Dorf's Introduction to Electric Circuits, Global Edition, is designed for a one- to -three term course in electric circuits or linear circuit analysis. The book endeavors to help students who are being exposed to electric circuits for the first time and prepares them to solve realistic problems involving these circuits. Abundant design examples, design problems, and the How Can We Check feature illustrate the text’s focus on design. The Global Edition continues the expanded use of problem-solving software such as PSpice and MATLAB.
CHAPTER 1 Electric Circuit Variables
CHAPTER 2 Circuit Elements
CHAPTER 3 Resistive Circuits
CHAPTER 4 Methods of Analysis of Resistive Circuits
CHAPTER 5 Circuit Theorems
CHAPTER 6 The Operational Amplifier
CHAPTER 7 Energy Storage Elements
CHAPTER 8 The Complete Response of RL and RC Circuits
CHAPTER 9 The Complete Response of Circuits with Two Energy Storage Elements
CHAPTER 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
CHAPTER 11 AC Steady-State Power
CHAPTER 12 Three-Phase Circuits
CHAPTER 13 Frequency Response
CHAPTER 14 The Laplace Transform
CHAPTER 15 Fourier Series and Fourier Transform
CHAPTER 16 Filter Circuits
CHAPTER 17 Two-Port and Three-Port Networks
APPENDIX A Getting Started with PSpice
APPENDIX B MATLAB, Matrices, and Complex Arithmetic
APPENDIX C Mathematical Formulas
APPENDIX D Resistor Specifications and Monte Carlo Analysis