Foundations of Economics 8/e [Bade] 9781292217888

🔸書名:Foundations of Economics 8/e
商品編號: EC0157PC


  • The text reflects the dramatic economic history of today, including persistent slow economic growth, an increasing concentration of wealth, headwinds from the UK's stagnant economy, the UK's decision to leave the European , China's slowing expansion, and enhanced concern about climate change. In the US specifically, the text covers the increasing loss of jobs to offshore companies, the political popularity of trade protection, financial demands from an aging population, a dysfunctional congress with rising government debt and a slow, decade-long recovery from the financial crisis.
  • Each chapter contains small changes to enhance clarity and currency, and every example reflects the most recent current events.



Part 1: Introduction
1. Getting Started
2. The U.S. and Global Economies
3. The Economic Problem
4. Demand and Supply
Part 2: A Closer Look at Markets
5. Elasticities of Demand and Supply
6. Efficiency of Fairness and Markets
Part 3: How Governments Influence the Economy
7. Government Actions in Markets
8. Taxes
9. Global Markets in Action
Part 4: Market Failures and Public Policy
10. Externalities
11. Public Goods and Common Resources
12. Private Information and Healthcare Markets
Part 5: A Closer Look At Decision Makers
13. Consumer Choice and Demand
14. Production and Cost
Part 6: Prices, Profits, and Industry Performance
15. Perfect Competition
16. Monopoly
17. Monopolistic Competition
18. Oligopoly
Part 7: Incomes and Inequality
19. Markets for Factors of Production
20. Economic Inequality
Part 8: Monitoring the Macroeconomy
21. GDP: A Measure Of Total Production and Income
22. Jobs and Unemployment
23. The CPI and the Cost of Living
Part 9: The Real Economy
24. Potential GDP and the Natural Unemployment Rate
25. Economic Growth
26. Finance, Saving, and Investment
Part 10: The Money Economy
27: The Monetary System
28: Money, Interest, and Inflation
Part 11: Economic Fluctuations
29. Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
30. Aggregate Expenditure Multiplier
31. The Short-Run Policy Tradeoff
Part 12: Macroeconomic Policy
32. Fiscal Policy
33. Monetary Policy
34. International Finance
