Modern water conveyance and storage techniques are the product of thousands of years of human innovation; today we rely on that same innovation to devise solutions to problems surrounding the rational use and conservation of water resources, with the same overarching goal: to supply humankind with adequate, clean, freshwater. Water Resources Engineering presents an in-depth introduction to hydrological and hydraulic processes, with rigorous coverage of both core principles and practical applications.
The discussion focuses on the engineering aspects of water supply and water excess management, relating water use and the hydrological cycle to fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics, energy, and other physical concepts, while emphasizing the use of up-to-date analytical tools and methods. Now in its Third Edition, this straightforward text includes new links to additional resources that help students develop a deeper, more intuitive grasp of the material, while the depth and breadth of coverage retains a level of rigor suitable for use as a reference among practicing engineers.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Water Resources Sustainability
Chapter 3 Hydraulic Processes: Flow and Hydrostatic Forces
Chapter 4 Hydraulic Processes: Pressurized Pipe Flow
Chapter 5 Hydraulic Processes: Open-Channel Flow
Chapter 6 Hydraulic Processes: Groundwater Flow
Chapter 7 Hydrologic Processes
Chapter 8 Surface Runoff
Chapter 9 Reservoir aild Stream Flow Routing
Chapter 10 Probability, Risk, and Uncertainty Analysis for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design
Chapter 11 Water Distribution
Chapter 12 Stormwater Control: Storm Sewers and Detention
Chapter 13 Stormwater Control: Street and Highway Drainage and Culverts
Chapter 14 Design of Spillways and Energy Dissipation for Flood Control Storageand Conveyance Systems
Chapter 15 Sedimentation and Erosion Hydraulics
Chapter 16 Water Resources Management for Sustainability
Chapter 17 Water Withdrawals and Uses (Supplemental Chapter Available to Instructorsfor Distribution)
Chapter 18 Water for Hydroelectric Generation (Supplemental Chapter Available to Instructors for Distribution)
Chapter 19 Flood Control (Supplemental Chapter Available to Instructors for Distribution)
Appendix A Newton-Raphson Method