In the newly revised Second Edition of Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, experienced researcher and chemist Dr. Brian W. Pfennig delivers an accessible and engaging exploration of inorganic chemistry perfect for sophomore-level students. This redesigned book retains all of the rigor of the first edition but reorganizes it to assist readers with learning and retention. In-depth boxed sections include original mathematical derivations for more advanced students, while topics like atomic and molecular term symbols, symmetry coordinates in vibrational spectroscopy, polyatomic MO theory, band theory, and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams are all covered.
Readers will find many worked examples throughout the text, as well as numerous unanswered problems at varying levels of difficulty. Informative, colorful illustrations also help to highlight and explain the concepts discussed within.
The new edition includes an increased emphasis on the comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of different chemical models, the interconnectedness of valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory, as well as a more thorough discussion of the atoms in molecules topological model.
Chapter 1 The Structure of Matter
Chapter 2 The Structure of the Atom
Chapter 3 The Periodicity of the Elements
Chapter 4 An Introduction to Chemical Bonding
Chapter 5 Molecular Geometry
Chapter 6 Symmetry and Spectroscopy
Chapter 7 Structure and Bonding in Molecules
Chapter 8 Structure and Bonding in Solids
Chapter 9 Chemical Structure and Reactivity
Chapter 10 Coordination Chemistry
Chapter 11 Reactions of Coordination Compounds
Chapter 12 Organometallic Chemistry
Chapter 13 Reactions of Organometallic Compounds
Appendix: A Derivation of the Classical Wave Equation
Appendix: B Derivation of the Schrödinger Equation
Appendix: C Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Appendix: D Atomic Term Symbols and Spin–Orbit Coupling
Appendix: E Character Tables
Appendix: F Direct Product Tables
Appendix: G Reducing Representations by the Process of Diagonalization
Appendix: H Correlation Tables
Appendix: I The Harmonic Oscillator Model
Appendix: J Molecular Term Symbols
Appendix: K The 230 Space Groups